Wednesday, December 06, 2006

tyler the heathen

With everyone in the bible belt off to Wednesday night church, I, the heathen, have decided it would be an opportune time to blog.

Wednesday night church just seems weird for Clair and I. The reason it bugs me is because I watch these "Christians," like robots, go to church three times a week and don't seem to even be questioning/searching/seeking for what it means to truly walk with Jesus in our world.

Maybe the are seeking but are to afraid or busy to want to deal with it.

I am at a weird stage.

I have moments where I just think, think and think some more about all this Jesus stuff. Then I am woken from my daze and I go on back to all the things that keep me busy.

I am so spiritually frustrated and anxious. I don't know what to do in regards to my call in the kingdom and kingdom work.

Am I getting to comfortable in this "go to classes, do homework, play intramurals, study for tests, do some service projects" bubble? Surely there must be more in store?

Should I wait it out until I have my degree? or leave school and pursue kingdom work whereever God may lead me?

I am leaning towards the latter these days. After hearing from Nic that he is probably going to India, I am SO jealous. I just want to get away like that and experience something else but school.

This is a very fragmented blog. Sorry.

I need to get some coffee with Close. 9 days till home.

I'm just going to do some calc. darn.


jerms said...

hit the road man. school will still be there when you get back. thats what i say

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Thanks for sharing Ty. Its obvious God's got a hold of you.

Looking forward to lots of coffee and late nights.


Nic said...

come live in india.
seriously,it would be so much cooler with you there.

my lady magnetism has nothing to do with my bod, you are right. but, it can only help.