Monday, January 15, 2007


i just got the loft kit I ordered, so I was able to reorganize my room a little bit better. the only real problem is that I might fall out of bed and kill myself on night. for the extra space, it's a risk I am willing to take.

there is a picture on flickr.

in other news, school was cancelled today but is still on tomorrow. all the church services on Sunday were cancelled as well, which led to a great small group discussion at Chad and Sarah's apt. where we had supper together, broke bread, drank juice and communioned the way Jesus did back in the day. it was refreshing to be a part of that, especially in the bible belt (however the origins of people that attended the small group were Canada, Australia, Montana and Ohio). it was still good though.

we decided that as a group we needed to do this more often. Eat, drink and talk God in an informal setting. a place where we can express our angers and frustrations with God as well as give him praise. hopefully there will be many more great sessions to come.

although school was cancelled, I still had to get up for an 8 am lecture which my teacher decided to have online. it's pretty neat how it works, but still, I had class and homework on a snow day. the least the teacher could have done was have the lecture at say, 2, after everyone was awake.

and my final peice of news is that I did not get to play in my first hockey game this week. Ironically, they cancelled the game due to all the ice. Next week I will have my chance.


Anonymous said...

Dude, thats crazy with the ice storm. That must be intense. Pretty gay about the prof making the early lecture online. Glad to see all is well there (ice storm aside).

Randy in Vic

Nic said...

where are you?
there is ice and hockey in oklahoma? or, did you do what i figured you should and finally moved to Regina?

either way, i miss you.