Tuesday, January 09, 2007

back to the grind

the holidays were so great and it is very hard to be back on campus. thanks to all back home for the good times and catching up.

i think the thing that gets me the most is being in the dorm room and how it does not feel homey at all. no dad in the rocking chair, no mom vacumming while you are trying to watch TV, no brothers yelling at you and trying to wrestle you. i miss that.

it is a good thing that Clair is with me to keep me going. two days of classes have gone by and the homework has started. this should be a tough but fun semester.

in other news I have joined the fighting squirrels hockey club in the adult mens league here. hopefully I can dazzle them with my canadian stick handling and stunning good looks. if I can't, then at least it will be a good work out.

expect a flickr site to develop soon as I learn to use the new camera and shoot some pics of life at OC.

clair says hi.



Anonymous said...

You might score the odd goal or two, whip off the brilliant back pass, deke by an entire team to go five-hole on the oppossing goalie..........but the looks thing, now that's TOTALLY unrealistic!

Sorry I missed you while back home. Good luck in the new semester.

As for me and mine, well, I am still hanging on to my hot tan from Mexico, and playing hockey every Thursday at the Oval. Still stoning the opponents, as I stoned you.....haha. Later Tyler.


Yussouf said...

Hiya, Good luck/skill in your hockey & studies!